Title One
St. Tammany Parish Public Schools Title I Parents’ Right to Know
St. Tammany Parish Public School System believes that Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) is important for children to achieve success. Parents and families are key partners with the schools. PFE includes programs, services, and activities at the school and district level.
District Responsibilities
- Involve families in developing and reviewing the district's PFE Plan
- Hold yearly Federal Programs, PFE Stakeholders’, and PFE activity planning meetings
- Support STPPS Title I schools in planning and carrying out their PFE activities
- Annually review and monitor PFE activities and school-wide programs outlined in the School Improvement Plans
- Provide a Title I PFE resource page and presentations for school personnel use
- Develop Title I PFE survey to evaluate PFE plans and use results to plan future PFE programs and adjust PFE policies and procedures
School Responsibilities
- Invite parents to a school meeting highlighting their school's educational programs, curriculum, and PFE opportunities
- Offer PFE activities at various times which support learning goals at home
- Involve parents in the planning, review, and implementation of PFE programs
- Provide parents with timely information about the school PFE policy
- Provide families with opportunities to volunteer, participate, and observe in the school and classroom
- Maintain 2-way communication with families
- Provide each student with the Compact for Student Success outlining responsibilities of students, parents, and teachers in the educational process
- Support all students in their effort to achieve success