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Policies and Procedures

Student Handbook

Lost Items

The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Each student is responsible for his/her personal property. Students should only bring to school what is required for the day’s activities. Students are encouraged to leave their valuables at home. Only items relevant to the curriculum should be brought to school. No electronic devices of any kind (including cell phones), toys, or other distracting items are allowed at school. The teacher and/or principal will confiscate these items to prevent loss or damage. Parents must come to school to claim confiscated items. Please label all items–including coats, sweaters, and lunch boxes. A lost and found is located outside the gym. At the end of the year, unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

Visitors and Volunteers

For the safety of our students, all visitors must check in at the front office upon arrival at school for a pass. All visitors to the campus must present a valid driver’s license or a picture ID for scanning. Parents must make an appointment with the teacher in advance to a visit to the classroom. Our goal is to maximize instructional time for learning. Any parent or visitor in the hallways without a pass during the school day, will be asked to please report back to the office. PTA and other volunteers will wear an Abney ID badge when on campus. They will also be asked not to interrupt instructional time when on campus.  Visitors and volunteers will be under the supervision of the teacher at all times. Parents are encouraged to help in our classrooms and our school and can volunteer for a variety of ways.  Meet and Greet or Conference Night is a great time to let your child’s teacher know that you are interested in becoming an Abney volunteer.